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  • Dalhousie leads the way in Nova Scotia technology innovation

Dalhousie leads the way in Nova Scotia technology innovation

Monday, August 26, 2013

Creating outlets for business growth requires that organizations have access to the tools and resources they need in order to help their companies succeed. Regions that want to encourage dynamic expansion and corporate enhancement must find ways of offering these opportunities to their regional employers. Nova Scotia has shown that it's possible to help boost the kinds of human and industrial resources needed to increase corporate function while providing opportunities for the firms that require it most.

One of the most significant assets that Nova Scotia has to offer is its burgeoning talent base. With a wide variety of colleges and universities condensed inside the province, there are plenty of graduates every year with top of the line skills looking for innovative jobs to fill. Dalhousie University is leading the way with big data technology research, churning out students ready to tackle the mounting volume of information that organizations have to handle on a daily basis.

This addresses a significant skills gap for tech firms. As the school's website reported, new big data learning opportunities have culminated in the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie — offering a premier resource for big data learning and study in the province. The resource is open to all residents of the region, both student and employer alike, offering an ongoing option for education and collaborative innovation from a number of vantage points.

Such assets allow companies across all sectors of business in the province to learn how to make better use of their information resources. Dalhousie's new Institute will help graduates derive value from a data-driven economy by teaching students to diagnose business issues using big data and to go even further and prescribe solutions to those same issues. These graduates will ensure that their employers are able leverage the power of data to drive business opportunities.

Planning for the future
According to Entrevestor, Dalhousie is building its current student body into better future workers and leaders. The Institute is now offering a comprehensive computer science program and academic course of study that incorporates the major tenets of big data analytics. By making this computational style part of standard learning, students understand big data as a regular element of every business and data center they may work with.

As more corporations and public agencies make use of big data resources, schools like Dalhousie will play an integral role in supplying corporations with the next generation of optimized workers. Providing learning experiences and dedicated teaching tracks that focus on modern IT trends will help ensure that corporations are receiving the most highly educated and experienced new hires possible.